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Some of the motifs I used through out the project were clouds, these represent dreams, ideals, memories. I also had roads and paths, these represented the many paths that led here and the many paths that are ahead. fire is representative of the destruction of memories.

What do you think this film is about?
What motifs did you notice?

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Motifs for A Journey

There were a few themes that ran through out the film. Some motifs that I noticed were used were trains, people as ants, clocks, bells, broken buildings. Trains were probably the most obvious motif used since through out the film we see shots of trains, within trains, points of view from people in the the train, train stations, and shots of moving trains. People as ants was also common through out the film, one scene in particular sticks in my mind where hundreds of people are leaving the train and all you can see is moving and bobbing heads. Clocks were also scene through out the film, and they also gave the sense of hurrying pace. I believe the bells signified religious symbols, but I’m not sure what exactly.

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Inspiration Box

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My Manifesto

I will create projects I am proud of
I will keep an open mind to all types of art
I will see the beauty in all things
I will work to improve my art
I will keep a watchful eye on inspiring things around me
I will keep my camera on me everyday

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The fears I had for the first project was that the movie I would create would be of inferior quality. I think I put a lot of expectations for myself that I strive to meet. Especially because film is something I feel very strongly about as an art form.

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There were a few themes that ran through out the film. Some motifs that I noticed were used were trains, people as ants, clocks, bells, broken buildings. Trains were probably the most obvious motif used since through out the film we see shots of trains, within trains, points of view from people in the the train, train stations, and shots of moving trains. People as ants was also common through out the film, one scene in particular sticks in my mind where hundreds of people are leaving the train and all you can see is moving and bobbing heads. Clocks were also scene through out the film, and they also gave the sense of hurrying pace. I believe the bells signified religious symbols, but I’m not sure what exactly.

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Daily Rituals

What daily rituals do you have?
I don’t think I have any.
What is the logic?
I suppose I want each day to be new. I think maybe I don’t like the idea of the mundane. I suppose I focus on making each day interesting and new. I don’t know if I always achieve this, but I think subconsciously that is what I strive for. Maybe.
Why are they important?
I’m not really sure. I don’t think I try to not have rituals or habits. If I try to do something at the same time, everyday, something usually gets in the way.

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google.com  -starting place for new info

facebook.com -networking

youtube.com -music and videos

wikipedia.com -info on specific topics and ideas

quicksilverscreen.com -watch movies and tv shows

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zoe and bios

I tend to go back and forth between viewing the world from the zoe perspective to the bios perspective.  I think I try to stay in the zoe perspective for as much time as I can.  I like the idea that we are all connected, we are all intertwined and are this one thing.  In someways identity is an illusion, because who we are is a function of are interaction with the world.  Our thoughts are a function of the external and internal stimuli of our enviorment.  every action has causation, intentional or otherwise.  Even modern physics helps back up this view of the world.  every particle that makes up our body is a probibility wave existing in some sence everywhere.  When I put my hand on this table, the line that distinguishes me from the table is blurred.

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Your Creative DNA

1. What was the first creative moment you remember?

One of my earliest memories I have was when I was about 3 years old and i doodled circular scribble onto a piece of paper and proclaming that I had done cursive.  I remember I used to play with legos alot when I was young.  I’d make new worlds and space crafts and have giant battles as I added sound effects.

2. Was anyone there to witness it?

I believe I did this and gave it to my mother.  That’s all I really remember.  I have pretty much forgotten everything that happened before high school, but not by choice.  Most of the details of my past have faded away for me, all I have left are broad strokes of paint on the canvas that is my memory.

3. Define Muse

Something or someone that allows you to start the creative process going.  Something that inspires you to see what you didn’t see before, to see something from a new angle from a new view.

4. Who is your muse?

Music.  Whenever I listen to music I feel inspired to see the world a different way.

5. What is your greatest fear?

To be honest, my greatest fear is death.  The knowledge that someday I will die terrifies me.  I want to experience beauty for as long as I can.  In someways although death is my greatest fear it has helped me to appreciate life.  80 years seems like a long time until you relize how fast a year goes by.  Death helps to keep you on track.  Your forced to make time for the things that matter, because if you don’t start doing that now, you may never get a chance later.

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